Tummy Tuck

For many women and men, achieving a firm, flat stomach is important. Sometimes, however, even for those who exercise and eat right, the goal of a slim and toned waistline is unattainable through traditional means. For those who want a smoother, slimmer abdomen, a tummy tuck in Sacramento performed by Dr. Christa Clark can help.

Dr. Clark takes the time to get to know you and understand your lifestyle and your needs. She is committed to helping you achieve results you’ll love from your tummy tuck. Contact us for more information about Dr. Clark or the procedures she offers.

Is Abdominoplasty for You?

In Sacramento, a tummy tuck, also called abdominoplasty, is designed to remove excess skin and fat of the midsection, while firming and tightening the abdominal muscles. Some of the benefits of abdominoplasty include:

  • Repairing lax or loose muscles of the abdomen
  • Removing excess skin after pregnancy or weight loss
  • Narrowing the waistline
  • Getting rid of rolls around the midsection

When you meet with Dr. Clark for your consultation, she will address your specific concerns and determine if you are also a candidate for another body contouring procedure such as a body lift instead of a tummy tuck, or additional liposuction. Also, if Dr. Clark feels that you are a candidate, she may suggest a Mommy Makeover, which is a combination of procedures designed to help restore the body back to its pre-baby shape and appearance.

Abdominoplasty Explained

For your tummy tuck, Dr. Clark may recommend that you receive either a traditional or mini tummy tuck.

Traditional Tummy Tuck

To begin a traditional tummy tuck procedure, an incision is created between the pelvic bones across the lower abdomen and another incision is made around the navel. Dr. Clark then can remove any excess skin and tighten the underlying abdominal muscles. Once this is complete, excess fat is also removed. The remaining skin is then pulled to a more firm position, using sutures to close the incision along the pubic bone. The navel is shifted into its new, proper position and sutures are placed to hold this position. Dr. Clark is careful to make these incisions so that they are easily concealed by a bathing suit or underwear. Depending on the extent of the procedure, a tummy tuck can take between 2 and 4 hours to complete.

Mini Tummy Tuck

A mini tummy tuck is similar to a traditional tummy tuck; however, it is mainly designed to address the lower portion of the midsection. One of the main differences between this procedure and a traditional tummy tuck is that a mini tummy tuck does not require an additional incision around the navel. While most people are candidates for a traditional tummy tuck, depending on their anatomy, they may be a candidate for a mini tummy tuck instead.

To begin your mini tummy tuck, an incision will be created across the pubic bone, and any excess skin and fat is removed. The underlying muscles are tightened, and, using sutures, the incisions are closed, leaving you with a taut and smooth abdomen.

Recovery and Results

After the procedure, the abdomen will be wrapped in gauze and a compression garment, and drains will be left in place to prevent fluid from accumulating in the area. Most patients are able to return to everyday activities within 10 days to 2 weeks following their procedure. Most are able to resume exercise after about 4 to 6 weeks following surgery.